Jody Lemser Nixon has been a proponet of horses for as long as her memories allow. Horses have been supporting her throughout her life. Always helping her growth and mental well-being, even when she wasn’t as aware. She has been certified to teach children to ride since 1987. However, in 2013, she discovered her true passion with horses, Equine Energy Exhanges. They were born out of the Eponaquest Method she learned from Linda Kohanov.
Jody finds that you need only be present in mind and body to connect deeply with horses. The horses speak in metaphors; it’s our job to listen and learn about ourselves. Jody helps facilitate these sessions so the client has a truly meaningful and enlightened experience. Jody uses her knowledge and training as an Advanced Eponaquest International Instructor, a Constellation Coach and her Infinite Possibilities Coaching to help with any struggles you may be facing.
Carolyn Fox, horsewoman, mother and midwife lives with her husband, three children and a menagerie of horses, dogs, cats and a pig on a ranch in Norwood, Colorado. Carolyn loves to work with horses from the ground up, to ride and most importantly, to spend time hanging out with the herd. Horses have taught Carolyn the invaluable work of staying in one’s heart. It is in our hearts where we find our inner truth, our connection to spirit and our place in nature. A great believer in the power of horses to heal humans, Carolyn supports the work of connecting humans and horses in her daily life and through organizations such as Metaphorse.
Madison is originally from Texas and relocated to the western slope to grow her family and enjoy the outdoors! Professionally, Madison has a Master’s Degree in Occupational Therapy and works at the local hospital in Montrose. Madison grew up on horseback and was looking for a way to incorporate horses back into her life upon finding her way to Colorado. She found Jody, and as they say, the rest is history! She serves this non-profit in a variety of ways including as a member of the board of directors, manages the social media accounts, creates marketing materials, assists with applying for grant funding, and serves as support staff for special events. You might also find her mucking corrals and feeding horses at meal times! Madison believes strongly in facilitating the horse-human connection through compassionate interaction and respect of the equine species as sentient beings, particularly with hippotherapy. Madison is married and has two little boys and another on the way!
Joined Metaphorse May 2024 and has already been a great asset to our group.
Our social media manager, extraordinaire, Kayla is a wiz kid with posting fan favorites.
Our barn manager making sure all our babies are well tended to and super duper safe 24/7.
Our resident horse tech, Laura brings a wealth of insight into our care and herd keeping.
Our webmaster, bookkeeper and overall property manager, David is invaluable to Metaphorse.